Chain / Game
These are the two words in this weeks 2 things challenge.
2 Things Challenge Rules:
Interpret the 2 weekly subjects any way you wish, in a photograph, collage, painting, poem, song, or whatever you can dream up and post on your blog. When done, leave a comment here to let us know.
Way back when I was a kid, I used to love playing with Dominoes! Now, I never actually played the game Dominoes, but I definitely played with the Dominoes! I would stack them on their ends and make long chains. The fun was after you make the chain, you knock the first one over and watch the chain reaction of tumbling Dominoes.
For Birthdays and Christmas I was always excited to receive additional sets of Dominoes so I could make longer and longer chains.
The Chain/Game theme gave me the urge to create my first Domino chain in 30 years. Here is the result:
Because I only have one set of Dominoes here at the house, the chain is not anywhere near as long as the ones I used to create as a child, but it was still fun. And the most fun at all is starting the chain reaction and watching them all tumble!
For that I set up a 30 seconds exposure. About halfway through the exposure time, I started the chain reaction. Here is the result:
As for lighting, I turned off all the room lights so only a tiny bit of outside light was filtering through the blinds making the room fairly dark. I used a small LED flashlight to "paint" the Domino chain during the exposure.
Here is another earlier attempt:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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I really like the 2nd photo Jack! I love how you see the *ghosts* of the standing dominoes after they have all fallen. Very neat!
Thanks Cathy~o I was pleased with the way it turned out.
Awesome entry! I love it!!!
That is really a cool interpretation. Very nice.
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