Sunday, November 29, 2020
2020-11-27 Upper Whitewater River Adventure
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
2020-11-22 Upper Whitewater River Adventure
Friday, November 20, 2020
2020-11-18 Introducing Samson Falls + Rock Creek Exploration and Sky Falls
Gorges State Park, NC
A Bit of Private Property, NC (with permission)
Jocassee Gorge Wildlife Management Area, SC
We never did end up making it to Indian Ford Falls, but at least we have good reason to get back!
From Sky Falls we continued downstream along Rock Creek to where it meets the Foothills Trail at Lake Jocassee.
From Lake Jocassee we finished our day with a long climb along the Foothills Trail and Canebrake Road back to my vehicle.
It was a fun day of exploring around the Carolina Mountains!
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
2020-11-13 Mount Mitchell Plane Crash Search
With Captain John and Sean
Somewhere along the East Side of Mount Mitchell
Yancey County, NC
Friday, November 13th and Saturday, November 14th, 2020
My friend Captain John who is a commercial airline pilot has an obsession with seeking out old airplane crash sites. I have had the pleasure of joining him on several of these searches over the past few years.
On October 5th, 1949 a Douglas C-47D (DC-3) crashed somewhere on the side of Mount Mitchell. So far we have had four failed attempts at finding this crash site.
Since the crash happened over 70 years ago before GPS was commonplace, we do not have exact GPS coordinates. It has been like looking for a needle in the haystack. Especially since we believe the largest pieces of the wreckage were removed many years ago.
Some additional research since our last attempt led to a few more potential spots to check out.
But first a few photos from before starting the search!
Once John arrived, we began our search. We've seen parts of the Mitchell Mountainside that no humans have ever laid eyes on!
After about 7 hours of searching around the cliffs and forests on Mount Mitchell, we were about to give up for the day. However, I spotted a piece of crumpled aluminum mostly buried under 70 years forest growth.
We found a few more pieces of debris nearby and knew we were close to the crash site.
With the time change, we were running out of daylight and still had a hike to get to our evenings accommodations! (Thanks again Chip for letting us use your Cabin!)
At the Cabin, we formed our plan of attack for the next day.
Pilot Mountain Shuttle Hike and Laurel Fork Falls Pisgah National Forest, NC Friday, April 3rd, 2015 Since Good Friday is a holiday f...
The Search for the 1949 Mount Mitchell Plane Crash With Captain John and Sean Somewhere along the East Side of Mount Mitchell Yancey County,...
The 2019 Fork Creek Overarching Epicity Tour Still House Falls and Elmo Falls Pisgah National Forest Transylvania County, NC Friday...