Wednesday, October 30, 2019

2019-10-26 Team Waterfall Autumn Camping Weekend

Team Waterfall Autumn Camping Weekend
Upper Wintergreen Falls, Landbridge Falls,
Indian Creek Falls, Blue Valley Camping, and
Picklesimer Rock House Falls
Transylvania and Macon County, NC
Saturday, October 26th and Sunday October 27th, 2019

The Team Waterfall Autumn Camping Weekend has been on my Calendar for months!  Despite a multitude of legitimate excuses including Tropical Storm Olga, there was nothing that was going to get in the way of me attending this event.

I was ahead of schedule which gave me time to make a quick stop at the Highland Lake Inn along the way.

The Highland Lake Inn - Flat Rock, NC

 Cool Mushrooms at the Highland Lake Inn

As usual, Jennifer and I arrived on time for the main hike of the weekend.  Andy and Christy arrived shortly after.  Between the 100% chance of rain and still recovering from knee surgery, Christy decided to skip the hike and head to the Ugly Dog Pub in Highlands to watch the Appalachian State Football Game.

Since everyone else was running late, we decided to split into two groups with Andy, Jennifer, and Me heading out first!

 Three Went In  (Me, Andy, Jennifer)

This was not intentional, but it turned out pretty neat!

 Andy at Mustard Rock

Meanwhile, Carlos arrived at the trailhead shortly after Andy, Jennifer, and I started and headed into the forest on his own.   The Professor (Scott) arrived shortly after, but decided to head to the Ugly Dog Pub to join Christy.   Thomas and Kitty at some point would also end up at the Ugly Dog!   Captain John was the last to arrive and decided to head into the forest on his own as well.

Andy, Jennifer, and I had no major issues making it down to Upper Wintergreen Falls and Landbridge Falls.  However, the Toxaway River was raging and all the rocks alongside the river were slick as goose snot, making moving around extremely difficult and dangerous!

 Upper Wintergreen Falls on the Toxaway River

Jennifer and Andy at Upper Wintergreen Falls

Upper Wintergreen Falls

 First time I have ever seen water flowing over the Toxaway Landbridge

 Andy and Jennifer

 Landbridge Falls

Andy at the top of Landbridge Falls

 Landbridge Falls


 The top of Landbridge Falls

Andy and Jennifer 

Landbridge Falls on the Toxaway River

On the hike back up, we ran into Captain John somewhere near Mustard Rock.

And then there were four
L to R:  Jennifer, Andy, Captain John, Me

Andy and John wanted to check out Indian Creek.  Jennifer wanted to get to the campsite before dark to set up the tarp.  It was a tough decision for me, but I ended up joining the Captain and Andy.

The bushwhack to and from Indian Creek Falls was definitely not easy!  And once down to the creek, it was raging making creek walking impossible.   We did not get to all the drops along Indian Creek, but we did make it to the main drop of Indian Creek Falls.

Andy and Captain John at Indian Creek Falls

Indian Creek Falls

 Captain John at Indian Creek Falls

By the time we got back on the trail, an eerie fog had rolled in.  I just love hiking in the Fog!

An eerie Fog

 Three Came Out
(Me, Andy and John)

Tree Stand in the Fog

At this point we were able to get a cell signal and determined that the rest of the group was either at or on there way to the campsite.  Except for Carlos who was still unaccounted for.  We were extremely grateful, excited, happy, and relieved to find Carlos hanging out by the vehicles.  We ended up at most of the same spots, just at entirely different times.

And then there were four
We found Carlos!

The drive to the campsite was through a dense fog, and it was well after dark when we eventually arrived.  A heavy rain was falling with no signs of letting up!  Fortunately the early campsite arrivals had the tarp erected and a nice fire going.

Despite the weather a great time was had by all.  

 Hanging out around the Campfire

Hanging out around the Campfire

We also had an invasive late night visitor to our campsite
Halloween Holiday Armadillo
These critters are not suppose to be in the Mountains of North Carolina!

Sunday Morning, Scott and I decided to hike to Picklesimer Rock House Falls.  Much higher than normal water flow and some nice morning light made for some excellent photo opportunities!

The Professor (Scott) showing off some fall color
 on the way to Picklesimer Rock House Falls

Scott and Me at Picklesimer Rock House Falls 

 Picklesimer Rock House Falls

The Professor at Picklesimer Rock House Falls 

 The Professor at Picklesimer Rock House Falls 

A Glorious Sunday Morning Hike

My complete set of photos is posted here:

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